8 minute read

CineMood started as a machine-learning-based mood-based movie recommendation system that analyzed user input and recommended trending movies from The Movie Database (TMDB). However, it had limitations in dynamically matching moods with real-time trending movies.
With the rise of AI agents, we upgraded CineMood to CineMood2 in this post, making it an LLM-powered system that leverages GPT-4o-mini to enhance movie recommendations.


🎯 Project Overview

🎬 CineMood β†’ CineMood2: What Changed?

  1. CineMood (ML-Based Approach)
    • Used predefined mood-to-genre mapping.
    • Limited adaptability to dynamic trending movies.
  2. CineMood2 (AI-Agent-Based Approach)
    • Uses GPT-4o-mini to extract moods from user input.
    • Fetches 100 trending movies from TMDB.
    • Uses GPT-4o-mini again to find the 3 most relevant movies based on mood and movie overviews.
    • More dynamic trending movies.

While ChatGPT is a powerful language model, it lacks access to real-time trending movies.

  • ChatGPT cannot fetch fresh data from TMDB on its own.
  • It relies on training data, which may be outdated.
  • It does not have access to external APIs like TMDB.

However, GPT-4o-mini can still be used as a tool to analyze moods and rank movies once we fetch the latest trending data from TMDB.

πŸ€– Why GPT-4o-Mini?

It is my personal choice. Any model (e.g., Mistral-7B, Llama2, Claude, etc.) can be used for this project.

πŸ› οΈ Technical Steps in CineMood2

1️⃣ Extracting Mood from User Input

  • When a user enters how they feel, GPT-4o-mini extracts 3 mood words.
  • Example:
    • User Input: β€œI feel relaxed and peaceful today.”
    • Extracted Moods: ["calm", "peaceful", "serene"]
  • Get 100 trending movies for the week.
  • Filter out movies that have not been released yet.
  • Movies are ranked from the latest to oldest by release date.

3️⃣ Matching Movies to User’s Mood

  • GPT-4o-mini analyzes the movie overviews and finds the 3 best matches.
  • It also provides a match explanation for each movie.

    • Example Output:
      🎬 Movie: "Forrest Gump"
      πŸ“… Release Date: 1994-07-06
      βœ… Match Reason: This movie embodies warmth, nostalgia, and optimism, matching the user's mood perfectly.

πŸš€ How CineMood2 is Built (Using Docker & Streamlit)

πŸ”Ή Step 1: Setting Up Streamlit UI (app.py)

πŸ’‘ Goal: Provide a simple user interface where users describe how they feel.

βœ… How it Works:

  1. The Streamlit UI presents a text box where users type their current mood.
  2. A button click triggers the recommendation process.
  3. User input is processed and passed to GPT-4o-mini for mood detection.

πŸ›  Technical Details:

  1. The app listens for user input via st.text_area().
  2. When the user clicks β€œFind Movies,” the input is passed to detect_mood() from llm.py.
  3. The detected mood words are displayed in the UI.

Create app.py:

import streamlit as st

from llm import detect_mood, get_movies_by_mood
from tmdb_api import fetch_movies

    page_title="🎬 Mood-Based Trending Movie Recommendation", layout="centered"

st.title("🎬 CineMood2: Get your Mood-based Trending Movies!⚑")

user_mood = st.text_area("πŸ’¬ How do you feel right now?", st.session_state.get("user_mood", ""), height=100)

if st.button("Find Movies"):
    if user_mood.strip():
        with st.spinner("πŸ” Analyzing your mood..."):
            mood_words = detect_mood(user_mood)
        st.success(f"πŸ€– AI Detected Moods: {', '.join(mood_words).title()}")

        with st.spinner("πŸŽ₯ Fetching movies and ranking matches..."):
            movies = fetch_movies(60)
            recommended_movies = get_movies_by_mood(mood_words, movies)

        if recommended_movies:
            for movie in recommended_movies:
                st.write(f"πŸ“… Release Date: {movie['release_date']}")
                st.write(f"🎭 Match Reason: {movie['match_reason']}")
                if movie["poster"]:
                    st.image(movie["poster"], width=200)
                st.write(f"πŸ“œ Overview: {movie['overview']}")
            st.warning("⚠️ No suitable movie recommendations found.")
        st.warning("⚠️ Please enter how you feel to get movie recommendations.")

# Footer Section
st.markdown("**Made by [Thanh Tung Vu](https://thanhtungvudata.github.io/)**")

πŸ”Ή Step 2: Using OpenAI’s GPT-4o-mini for Mood Detection (llm.py)

πŸ’‘ Goal: Extract key mood words from user input.

βœ… How it Works:

  1. The user’s input is sent to GPT-4o-mini via an API call.
  2. The model returns three mood-related words that best describe the user’s feelings.

πŸ›  Technical Details:

  1. detect_mood(user_input) sends the input to GPT-4o-mini via the OpenAI API.
  2. The model is prompted to return exactly three words in a structured format.
  3. If an error occurs, a default neutral mood is returned.

Create llm.py:

import json

import openai

from config import OPENAI_API_KEY

# Initialize OpenAI API client
client = openai.OpenAI(api_key=OPENAI_API_KEY)

def detect_mood(user_input):
    Uses GPT-4o-mini to detect mood from user input.
    Returns exactly 3 descriptive mood words.
    prompt = f"""
    Analyze the following user input and determine the three best words to describe the mood.

    User input: "{user_input}"
    Respond with exactly 3 words, separated by commas.
    Example: happy, joyful, excited.
        response = client.chat.completions.create(
            model="gpt-4o-mini", messages=[{"role": "system", "content": prompt}]
        mood_words = response.choices[0].message.content.strip().lower().split(", ")
        return mood_words if len(mood_words) == 3 else ["neutral", "neutral", "neutral"]
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"⚠️ Error with OpenAI API in detect_mood: {e}")
        return ["neutral", "neutral", "neutral"]

def get_movies_by_mood(mood_words, movies):
    Uses GPT-4o-mini to rank movies based on how well their overview matches the detected mood words.
    Returns the top 3 movies with match explanations, sorted by release date (latest first).
    if not movies:
        print("⚠️ No movies available to match moods.")
        return []

    movie_descriptions = "\n".join(
        [f"{i+1}. {m['title']}: {m['overview']}" for i, m in enumerate(movies)]

    prompt = f"""
    You must output only valid JSON and nothing else.
    The JSON should be an array of exactly 3 objects.
    Each object must have two keys: "index" (an integer) and "match_reason" (a non-empty string).
    The user is in a mood described by these words: {", ".join(mood_words)}.
    Below are movie descriptions:
    Select the top 3 movies that best match this mood and provide a brief explanation (1-2 sentences) for each.
    Respond strictly in JSON format:
        response = client.chat.completions.create(
            model="gpt-4o-mini", messages=[{"role": "system", "content": prompt}]
        json_response = response.choices[0].message.content.strip()
        ranked_movies = json.loads(json_response)
        matched_movies = []
        default_explanation = "This movie appears to be a good match based on its emotional tone and themes."
        for entry in ranked_movies:
            index = entry.get("index", 0) - 1
            explanation = entry.get("match_reason", "").strip() or default_explanation
            if 0 <= index < len(movies):
                matched_movie = movies[index]
                matched_movie["match_reason"] = explanation
        # Ensure exactly 3 movies are returned by filling with fallbacks if necessary
        while len(matched_movies) < 3 and len(movies) >= 3:
            fallback = movies[len(matched_movies)]
            fallback["match_reason"] = default_explanation
        # Sort the matched movies by release date (latest first)
        matched_movies = sorted(
            matched_movies, key=lambda x: x["release_date"], reverse=True
        return matched_movies[:3]
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"⚠️ Error ranking movies: {e}")
        fallback_movies = []
        default_explanation = "This movie appears to be a good match based on its emotional tone and themes."
        for m in movies[:3]:
            m["match_reason"] = default_explanation
        fallback_movies = sorted(
            fallback_movies, key=lambda x: x["release_date"], reverse=True
        return fallback_movies

πŸ’‘ Goal: Get a list of currently trending movies from The Movie Database (TMDB) API.

βœ… How it Works:

  1. The app fetches 100 trending movies using TMDB’s API.
  2. Movies without overviews or future releases are filtered out.
  3. Movies are sorted by release date (newest first).

πŸ›  Technical Details:

  1. fetch_movies(max_movies=100) retrieves movies using TMDB’s /trending/movie/week endpoint.
  2. Each movie entry is checked for:
    • A valid release date (must be in the past).
    • A non-empty movie overview.
  3. The results are sorted by release date, with the most recent movies first.

Create tmdb_api.py:

import datetime

import requests

from config import TMDB_API_KEY

def get_first_day_of_week():
    """Returns the first day (Monday) of the current week."""
    today = datetime.date.today()
    return today - datetime.timedelta(days=today.weekday())

def fetch_movies(max_movies=100):
    Fetch up to `max_movies` trending movies, ensuring only movies with release dates before the first day
    of the current week are considered, and that they have non-empty overviews.
    Returns the movies sorted by release date (latest first).
    movies = []
    pages_to_fetch = (max_movies // 20) + 1
    first_day_of_week = get_first_day_of_week()

    for page in range(1, pages_to_fetch + 1):
        url = f"https://api.themoviedb.org/3/trending/movie/week?api_key={TMDB_API_KEY}&language=en-US&page={page}"
            response = requests.get(url)
            data = response.json()
            for movie in data.get("results", []):
                release_date = movie.get("release_date", "9999-12-31")
                overview = movie.get("overview", "").strip()
                    release_date_obj = datetime.datetime.strptime(
                        release_date, "%Y-%m-%d"
                except ValueError:
                if overview and release_date_obj < first_day_of_week:
                            "title": movie["title"],
                            "overview": overview,
                            "poster": (
                                if movie.get("poster_path")
                                else None
                            "release_date": release_date,
            if len(movies) >= max_movies:
        except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
            print(f"⚠️ Error fetching movies: {e}")
    return sorted(movies, key=lambda x: x["release_date"], reverse=True)[:max_movies]

πŸ”Ή Step 4: Using GPT-4o-mini to Find Best Matches (llm.py)

πŸ’‘ Goal: Select the top 3 movies that best match the user’s mood.

βœ… How it Works:

  1. The 100 trending movies are sent to GPT-4o-mini.
  2. The model compares movie overviews against the 3 detected mood words.
  3. Top 3 movies are selected based on relevance, each with a brief explanation.

πŸ›  Technical Details:

  1. get_movies_by_mood(mood_words, movies) processes the movies using GPT-4o-mini.
  2. The model is prompted to return structured JSON, ensuring:
    • Three movie indices are selected.
    • Each movie has a match explanation.
  3. If errors occur, the first three movies are used with a default explanation.

πŸ”Ή Step 5: Deploying CineMood2 in Docker

πŸ’‘ Goal: Ensure consistent deployment and easy sharing across environments.

βœ… How it Works:

  1. The entire project is containerized using Docker.
  2. A Dockerfile defines:
    • Base image (Python + dependencies).
    • Installation of Streamlit, OpenAI API, and TMDB API tools.
    • Instructions to run the Streamlit app inside the container.
  3. The app can now be deployed anywhere, ensuring reproducibility.

πŸ›  Technical Details:

  • Create config.py:
import os

from dotenv import load_dotenv

# Load environment variables from .env file

# Get API keys
TMDB_API_KEY = os.getenv("TMDB_API_KEY")
  • Create Dockerfile:
FROM python:3.11-slim


COPY . .

RUN pip install --upgrade pip && pip install -r requirements.txt


CMD ["streamlit", "run", "/app/app.py", "--server.port=8501", "--server.address="]
  • Create docker-compose.yml:
version: '3.8'

    build: .
    container_name: mood-movie-app
      - "8501:8501"
    restart: always
  • Docker Commands:
    • Build: docker-compose up --build
    • Re-Run: docker-compose down, then docker-compose up --build

πŸ“¦Tech Stack

  • AI & Backend: GPT-4o-mini, TMDB API, Python
  • Frontend: Streamlit
  • Development & Deployment: Docker, VSCode, Flake8, pytest

πŸŽ‰ Results and Live Demo

The final web app delivers mood-based movie recommendations in just a second, with fresh content every week.

You can try it here:πŸ‘‰ CineMood Live App on Hugging Face Spaces

🎬 Try CineMood Now!

πŸ“Œ Conclusion

CineMood2 provides an AI-powered, mood-based movie recommendation system that seamlessly integrates GPT-4o-mini, TMDB trending movies, and Docker deployment.

πŸ’‘ Key Advantages:

  • Uses real-time trending data instead of pre-trained ChatGPT knowledge.
  • Optimized for cost (GPT-4o-mini) and performance (Cloud API instead of local LLM).
  • Fully containerized for easy deployment and scalability.

πŸš€ Next Steps:

  • Improve user feedback collection for better recommendations.
  • Add multi-language support for global users.

The code of this project is available here.

For further inquiries or collaboration, please contact me at my email.